AmigaActive (1046/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:13 May 2000 at 21:59:02
Subject:Re: Ident port

Samuel Byford said,

> Nothing let the tracker in except the IDENT port.

> So - question is, whats the Ident port and how do I close it??

What it is was covered, albeit briefly, in the Online section of issue
6. As to how you close it, the question should be should you close it
and the answer is no. Here's an extract from a post I made to another
mailing list on the same subject this week.

> Skimming the artical, I can't find that for which I am looking, so I will
> take that I read it else where.

> I am sure I read that it is better to have it open than closed.

I'm sure I mentioned this in the article. IdendD (not InetD which is a
completely different animal) is used to verify that you are who you say
you are. It's used by many servers, particularly IRC and FTP servers.
Disabling it can have two consequences.

Servers that require identd lookups will not allow you to connect.

On servers that don't require it but make the check anyway, there will
be a login delay while the server tries to check and fails to get a

> Luckily we Amiga people didn't have to contend with that "I love you" virus.
> But hacks, and the like, ARE ever possible to even our machines.

To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a way to do harm using IdentD
(I hope no one takes this as a challenge). This came up recently on the
MiamiDx ML, both Holger Kruse and Fred Wright agreed that enabling
IdentD was a good thing.

> And if there is someone who can explain to me all these terms that are being
> used in that discussion about being flooded.

> 'spoofing packets'
> 'using virtual hosts'
> 'few icmp request or ping floods'

They all mean "ignorant twats whose idea of fun is spoiling things
for other people". It's basically net vandalism.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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